Happiness is only real when shared into the wild book
Happiness is only real when shared into the wild book

happiness is only real when shared into the wild book

happiness is only real when shared into the wild book

You need to know what to do out there, and a companion is also essential.

happiness is only real when shared into the wild book

#Happiness is only real when shared into the wild book full#

Chris McCandless' journey and time in the bus made me realize that while the wilderness is beautiful, eternal, powerful, and full of the promise of adventure, it is also dangerous. When you can't be close to another person in a deep and profound way, you can't be truly happy. I realized that without a friend, a family member, or some other partner, all of the good things in life are meaningless. When you have someone else to live life with, you will live far past your body in the world of other people's fond memories. Life is best lived shared, it means nothing if you can not improve someone else's life through it. It also made me realize that being alone is not the best thing for a person. It renewed in me wanderlust, a feeling to go see the world unhindered. The film Into the Wild told the story of a man's longing to travel, to be free, to live unaffected by the fickle nature of society. Camping is one thing but surviving is a whole other story. I can be the same way sometimes and I know that I could never do what Chris did. I have to literally walk over to them and tap them for them to come out of their virtual world. For example, when I'm trying to get my parent's attention when they're on their computers it's no easy task. I assume that he was fed of with material things which I think that way from time to time. He did the unthinkable and died living his dream. Nonetheless without any regrets Chris did it. We're afraid of what the consequences might be. But I think the truth is that we're all afraid to even try. Like Chris' actor stated in an interview, everyone wants to do what Chris had done and everyone should get the chance to experience what he did. When he burned all that money I was angry at him but I also admired his ability to easily break away from the normal and expected. Money is something that we're taught to want and need in our society and to be "successful" it's a must. It's strange to me to think that he had a life that anyone I know might want to have yet he threw it all away and turned to a life that was the exact opposite.

Happiness is only real when shared into the wild book